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Because of the current economic environment state, the management of costumer relationship CRM, plays an important role in many companies, whether they offer services or produce physical items, in which the contact with clients is intensive. Relationships with value take more importance each day. Thanks to Technology Information TI, it is possible to use business strategies for commercial relationships directed to loyalty of costumers.
From relational marketing dedicated to attracting, maintaining and intensifying relations with clients, the concept is originated. It is the physical representation of relational marketing by using TI. Despite its novelty, the ideology emerged in 1990, and it has become in no time, in a key tool for companies’ management.
Taking in consideration the previous, we can define this concept as the group of communication, marketing, technology, infrastructure strategies, designed with the purpose of building lasting relations with clients, identifying, understanding and satisfying their needs. All of this implicates a redesign in the process to orient them towards the client for the company to customize the offer, to satisfy the needs and create relationships of long term loyalty that of course beneficiate everyone involved.
Advantages of these systems:
Intensive contact
Organizations that obtain the most benefits are those that have an intensive contact with their clients during the process of fabricating a product or executing a service. The implementation of the systems is useful to maintain the contact with the clients in the different stages of the sale and for a better control of quality.
It results much more profitable for any Company to retain existent clients, by using long term relationships adequate to satisfy their needs, more than making new clients fall in love with the company’s offers or using other processes.
Companies should focus their attention in the development of customized relationships with their clients, since they are the road to achieve competitive advantages. Many companies are accelerating their full chain of value, they transform structurally their processes of internal and external business, using technologic initiatives such as CRM.
Some intangible benefits that might result from the correct implementation are:
Maximizing quality of service
By maintaining the communication channel open and active, it is simpler to detect and correct errors and fails in any of the processes that are used for providing a service that the client has already paid for.
Customer satisfaction
Clients are satisfied not only with the service that the Company promises to give in exchange of a retribution but also with the attention given as being key parts in the proper functioning of the company.
Improving the loyalty of customers
If the clients feel like they’re listened, they value the additional attention and they decide to be faithful to the Company that actually listen and gives back the correct service. Along with the clients’ loyalty, the retention of customers is implicit in a long term.
Optimization of processes in the data recompilation
Thanks to the use of appropriate software for the complete administration of commercial relations in a Company, you can create trustworthy statistics about the functioning of many processes that happen simultaneously and that impact the relationship of clients.
Optimization of clients’ knowledge diffusion processes
Since all information about the clients is registered in the same place, it is very easy to access the required information about a certain costumer, avoiding that such information gets modified when using mouth-to-mouth communication, or even desk-to-desk messages.
Even though the previous benefits cannot be measured with exactness, they all lead to other benefits that are tangible:
Sales increase
More profitability
Increase of market demand
Reduction of internal costs (mainly in the communication processes)
Why us?
At Optimización Online we consider success factors in the management and technological aspect, and the knowledge of clients when implementing strategies.
This all ensures the expected results on a financial level. Because we pay attention to details, our clients are always satisfied.