Email marketing is the direct marketing type of any commercial message, directed to a group of people who use digital mailing, in the form of email.

In a wider sense, each email sent means an actual prospect of email marketing. Generally, the use of emails is implicated for ads, work requests or donation solicitudes. Emails destined to build on trust, loyalty or aperture to the brand, are also email marketing. It can be done using purchased lists of information or the company’s own data bases. The definition is usually used for defining the delivery of document of any electronic mail with the purpose of improving the relationship of seller and buyer, to improve client loyalty, repeat businesses or renew contracts, as well as acquiring new clients.

Transactional emails.

These are those resulting from a certain previous action done by the company towards a specific client. To qualify as transactional or “relationship messages”, the main goal of this type of communication should be “to facilitate” or confirm commercial trades that both parties have negotiated before.

They include inboxes, password reestablishment, purchase or confirmation of items, state messages, organization of emails and receipt of emails and other transactions.

The main objective of a transactional email is to transmit information related to the previous action. But, because of high rates of aperture, these type of emails represent an opportunity to attract clients: in order to stablish a relationship via emails, or to answer back to questions or to increase sales of products and services.

Many newsletters and bulletines softwares for emails offer support with transactional emails, which provide opportunity of promotion within the body of the messages. There are also those who offer specialized email marketing services that include customized marketing campaigns.

Direct mailing

This kind of mail is also known as disrupted commercialization that consists on sending only one message that promotes and communicates. As an example, when companies look for products or services that offer specific traits such as price, brand, colors, size, quality, promotions, etc. Companies who use this type of mailing have a list of selected clients.

Asemejando el correo popular o tradicional en el servicio del marketing del correo existen una variedad de ventajas y desventajas que lo hacen comparable.


Email marketing is popular because of many reasons:

Because it is an exact return of guided investments and has been proved efficient when done correctly. It is reported in second place to make marketing searches more effectively.

Also, it is much cheaper and significantly faster than the traditional mail, especially because of the invested cost and time of a traditional mail marketing: design, impression, address classification and mail delivery.

Publicists consider important enough to have a certain number of email subscribers willing to receive communicative mails concerning products and services of the company.

Almost 50% of EU users check their inboxes around 01:00 am and 05:00 am in a local time. The email is known for its famous number of digital sellers. The increase of 2009 was 15%, 292, 000, 000 pounds in the U.K. If we compare the standard mail, we can see that direct email produces a higher response rate and higher rate on e-commerce businesses.


According to Return Path, in the mid 2008, the delivery of mails was still a problem for sellers. The average of servers released a rate of executions that was almost half of the percentage, with an 8% filtered and a 20% rejected messages.

Big companies consider the use of email marketing to secure no type of law break, and to secure acceptable politics that would improve the use of internet navigation.