Quality Traffic

When creating a website for our company, our main objective is to make our business known and to attract more customers, in order to improve our position in the market. However, having a well-designed website will not be enough if we do not define specific goals and if we do not know the strategies that can help us increase our reach. Generating traffic to our website is one of the things that most concern us and, unfortunately, in many cases we are unaware of the tools that can be used to compete internationally with the best companies on the web.

Before implementing the strategies that will help us generate traffic for our site, we must define the objectives of our page. We must answer the question: What is the main purpose of creating a site for our company? We define what we hope to generate with traffic, whether it is just visits, or if we wish to convert those visits into sales or subscriptions. This will help us establish the best way to attract traffic and identify where to get it from.

It is important to emphasize that there are different types of traffic and that, in case the site’s priority is to generate sales or subscriptions, quality should be given priority over quantity of visits. Quality traffic will allow us to reach the objectives previously established, both specific and general, and in order to generate it, we must learn how to direct and channel visits to our website, reducing as much as possible the bounce rate. This way, the probability of a visit becoming a sale or a subscription will be greater.

When we talk about strategies that help generate quality traffic, we can identify many options, but in our experience, the ones that generate the best results by applying them together are: Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Social Media Marketing (SMM), The use of Pay per Click (PPC) campaigns with services such as Google Adwords or Microsoft adCenter and email marketing. There are other options but due to the continuous updates that are implemented to the search engines of Google, Bing and Yahoo, the use of some could generate penalties that instead of improving the traffic to our page, can subtract positions in the results of a search engine.

The most complete and effective medium- and long-term alternative to directing and channeling traffic to a site is implementing SEO strategies. Most companies require a professional service who guide them in the creation of a strategic plan that allows them to optimize their site and generate quality and high value traffic. While it is a task that should preferably be left in the hands of professionals, it is helpful to know the factors that are contemplated when designing an SEO plan. The first step in designing an optimization plan is to analyze the characteristics of the website and identify its off-page and on-page flaws. At the off-page level, an analysis of the external factors to the page, such as your ranking and hyperlinks, is done, and on the on-page level, an analysis is done of the structure of the site, it’s content, the links it contains, the meta tags, the keywords, among others.

If it’s identified that a website does not meet the required criteria, an optimization plan is established that, if necessary, includes redesigning the website. Sites that have a friendly structure to users, achieve a better positioning in search results and therefore better traffic. Another crucial factor is keyword optimization. These are chosen from an analysis of the supply of the company and its target market so we can begin with the implementation of those that could attract traffic of value and quality to the website.

With keywords and reference information, meta-tags are programmed, data that is hidden from visitors but included in the source code of the page serving as a reference to search engines. New content is created or modifications are made to those already on the site to implement the keywords and incorporate them into the URL of the site. It is important to mention that the contents are valued by search engines based on their relevance and quality and must comply with certain characteristics to really contribute to improve the positioning of the page and generate traffic.

Another factor that is considered and implemented in SEO strategies is the attraction of free traffic, either by creating links in blogs, bookmarks, appearing in directories or by press releases. SEO strategies also contemplate a constant review and analysis of metrics and the implementation of a CRM (Customer Relationship Management). A personalized relationship with the customer can achieve providing a better service, increasing their satisfaction and generating a long-term relationship with the customer.

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is another highly effective tool to generate traffic and aims to interact with potential customers through social networks. After an analysis of the target market is done, we proceed to generate relevant content and create contact communities. The implementation of SMM and the popularity of a site in social networks directly affects its positioning in search engines and is therefore, one of the most direct and effective tools that can be used to create traffic.

Optimización Online is a leading SEO company worldwide with a high commitment in providing strategies to improve the positioning of websites and create quality traffic for our customers. Within our services, you will find SEO, SMM, CRM, SEM, email marketing, content creation, responsive design among other strategies that will help you improve your web positioning. If you would like to receive more information about our services and receive a free consultation, contact us and our team of specialists will design a solution accustomed to your needs.